الفرق بين الصفحتين: «وحدة:Citation/CS1/Configuration» و«وحدة:Citation/CS1/Configuration/ملعب»

(الفرق بين الصفحتين)
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث
صفحة 1
صفحة 2
تحديث الlimit
حذف وسائط حذف من قديم
سطر 266: سطر 266:
['Authors'] = {"المؤلفون", "المؤلفين", "authors", "people", "host", "credits", "أشخاص"},
['Authors'] = {"المؤلفون", "المؤلفين", "authors", "people", "host", "credits", "أشخاص"},
['BookTitle'] = {"عنوان الكتاب", "book-title",  "عنوان المؤتمر"},
['BookTitle'] = {"عنوان الكتاب", "book-title",  "عنوان المؤتمر"},
--['Callsign'] = {"call-sign", "callsign"}, -- cite interview
['Cartography'] = 'cartography',
['Cartography'] = 'cartography',
['Chapter'] = {"الفصل", "chapter", "contribution", "entry", "article", "section"},
['Chapter'] = {"الفصل", "chapter", "contribution", "entry", "article", "section"},
سطر 300: سطر 299:
['ConferenceURL'] = {"مسار المؤتمر", "conference-url"}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['ConferenceURL'] = {"مسار المؤتمر", "conference-url"}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Date'] = {"تاريخ", "التاريخ", "date", "air-date", "airdate"},
['Date'] = {"تاريخ", "التاريخ", "date", "air-date", "airdate"},
--['DeadURL'] = {"وصلة مكسورة", "dead-url", "deadurl", "رابط معطوب"},
['Degree'] = {"الدرجة", "degree"},
['Degree'] = {"الدرجة", "degree"},
['DF'] = 'df',
['DF'] = 'df',
سطر 311: سطر 309:
['DoiBroken'] = "doi-broken-date",
['DoiBroken'] = "doi-broken-date",
['Edition'] = {"طبعة", "الإصدار", "الاصدار", "إصدار", "اصدار", "الطبعة", "رقم الطبعة", "edition"},
['Edition'] = {"طبعة", "الإصدار", "الاصدار", "إصدار", "اصدار", "الطبعة", "رقم الطبعة", "edition"},
['editor'] = {"محرر", "editor", "المحرر"},
--['Editors'] = {"المحررون", "editors", "المحررين"},
['Embargo'] = 'pmc-embargo-date',
['Embargo'] = 'pmc-embargo-date',
['Encyclopedia'] = {"موسوعة", "encyclopedia", "encyclopaedia", "اسم المعجم", "dictionary", "اسم الموسوعة"}, -- cite encyclopedia only
['Episode'] = {"الحلقة", "episode"}, -- cite serial only TODO: make available to cite episode?
['Episode'] = {"الحلقة", "episode"}, -- cite serial only TODO: make available to cite episode?
['Format'] = {"صيغة", "التنسيق", "format", "تنسيق", "الصيغة"},
['Format'] = {"صيغة", "التنسيق", "format", "تنسيق", "الصيغة"},
['ID'] = {"id", "ID", "المعرف"},
['ID'] = {"id", "ID", "المعرف"},
['Inset'] = {"inset", "مجموعة"},
['Inset'] = {"inset", "مجموعة"},
['isbn'] = {"ردمك", "الرقم المعياري", "رقم معياري", "ISBN"},
['Oclc'] = {"أكلس",  "oclc"},
['Issue'] = {"العدد", "issue", "number"},
['Issue'] = {"العدد", "issue", "number"},
['Language'] = {"لغة", "اللغة", "language", "lang"},
['Language'] = {"لغة", "اللغة", "language", "lang"},
سطر 327: سطر 322:
['MapURL'] = {"مسار الخريطة", "map-url"}, -- cite map only -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['MapURL'] = {"مسار الخريطة", "map-url"}, -- cite map only -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['MapUrlAccess'] = 'map-url-access', -- cite map only -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['MapUrlAccess'] = 'map-url-access', -- cite map only -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['MessageID'] = {"معرف الرسالة", "message-id"}, --##
['Minutes'] = {"دقيقة", "minutes"},
['Minutes'] = {"دقيقة", "minutes"},
['Month'] = {"شهر", "الشهر", "month"}, --##
['Mode'] = 'mode',
['Mode'] = 'mode',
['NameListStyle'] = 'name-list-style',
['NameListStyle'] = 'name-list-style',
سطر 341: سطر 334:
['Page'] = {"صفحة", "p", "الصفحة", "page", "الصفحة", "رقم الصفحة", "رقم صفحة","ص"}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Page'] = {"صفحة", "p", "الصفحة", "page", "الصفحة", "رقم الصفحة", "رقم صفحة","ص"}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Pages'] = {"صفحات", "الصفحات", "pp", "أرقام الصفحات", "أرقم صفحات", "pages"}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Pages'] = {"صفحات", "الصفحات", "pp", "أرقام الصفحات", "أرقم صفحات", "pages"}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Encyclopedia'] = {"موسوعة", "encyclopedia", "encyclopaedia", "اسم المعجم", "dictionary", "اسم الموسوعة"}, -- cite encyclopedia only
['Periodical'] = {
['Periodical'] = {
سطر 409: سطر 399:
['ScriptQuote'] = 'script-quote',
['ScriptQuote'] = 'script-quote',
['ScriptTitle'] = {"script-title"}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['ScriptTitle'] = {"script-title"}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Section'] = {"القسم", "section"}, --##
['Season'] = {"الموسم", "season"},
['Season'] = {"الموسم", "season"},
['Sections'] = {"الأقسام", "sections"}, -- cite map only
['Sections'] = "sections", -- cite map only
['Series'] = {"سلسلة", "series", "version"},
['Series'] = {"سلسلة", "series", "version"},
--['SeriesSeparator'] = 'series-separator', --##
['SeriesLink'] = {"وصلة سلسلة", "series-link", "مسار المسلسل"},
['SeriesLink'] = {"وصلة سلسلة", "series-link", "مسار المسلسل"},
['SeriesNumber'] = {"رقم سلسلة", "series-number", "series-no"},
['SeriesNumber'] = {"رقم سلسلة", "series-number", "series-no"},
سطر 419: سطر 407:
['Sheets'] = {"أوراق", "sheets"}, -- cite map only
['Sheets'] = {"أوراق", "sheets"}, -- cite map only
['Station'] = {"محطة", "station"},
['Station'] = {"محطة", "station"},
--['SubscriptionRequired'] = 'subscription', --##
['Time'] = {"الوقت", "time", "وقت الوقوع"},
['Time'] = {"الوقت", "time", "وقت الوقوع"},
['TimeCaption'] = "time-caption",
['TimeCaption'] = "time-caption",
سطر 457: سطر 444:
['URL'] = {"مسار", "المسار","وصلة", "url", "URL"}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['URL'] = {"مسار", "المسار","وصلة", "url", "URL"}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['UrlAccess'] = {'url-access', 'التسجيل'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['UrlAccess'] = {'url-access', 'التسجيل'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['UrlStatus'] = {'url-status','حالة المسار'}, -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['UrlStatus'] = 'url-status', -- Used by InternetArchiveBot
['Vauthors'] = {'vauthors', 'عدة مؤلفين'},
['Vauthors'] = {'vauthors', 'عدة مؤلفين'},
['Veditors'] = {'veditors', 'عدة محررين' },
['Veditors'] = {'veditors', 'عدة محررين' },
سطر 2٬316: سطر 2٬303:
['location-test'] = 'اختبار مكان الاستشهاد',
['location-test'] = 'اختبار مكان الاستشهاد',
['long-vol'] = 'الاستشهاد: قيمة المجلد طويلة', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of |volume= values longer than 4 characters
['long-vol'] = 'الاستشهاد: قيمة المجلد طويلة', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of |volume= values longer than 4 characters
['script'] = 'الاستشهاد يستخدم اللغة $1 ($2)', -- |script-title=xx: has matching category; $1 is language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
['script'] = 'الاستشهاد يستخدم لغة $1 ($2)', -- |script-title=xx: has matching category; $1 is language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
['tracked-param'] = 'وسيط استشهاد متتبع: $1', -- $1 is base (enumerators removed) parameter name
['tracked-param'] = 'وسيط استشهاد متتبع: $1', -- $1 is base (enumerators removed) parameter name
['year-range-abbreviated'] = "الاستشهاد: نطاق السنة المختصرة", -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of |date=, |year= values using YYYY–YY form
['year-range-abbreviated'] = "الاستشهاد: نطاق السنة المختصرة", -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of |date=, |year= values using YYYY–YY form
سطر 3٬316: سطر 3٬303:
encode = true,
encode = true,
separator = ':',
separator = ':',
id_limit = 10100000000,
id_limit = 9999999999 -- 10-digits
['OL'] = {
['OL'] = {
parameters = {'المكتبة_المفتوحة', 'ol', 'OL'},
parameters = {'ol', 'OL','المكتبة_المفتوحة'},
link = 'المكتبة_المفتوحة',
link = 'المكتبة_المفتوحة',
redirect = 'OL (identifier)',
redirect = 'OL (identifier)',
سطر 3٬354: سطر 3٬341:
encode = true,
encode = true,
separator = ':',
separator = ':',
id_limit = 10900000,
id_limit = 10500000,
access = 'free' -- free to read
access = 'free' -- free to read
سطر 3٬367: سطر 3٬354:
encode = false,
encode = false,
separator = ':',
separator = ':',
id_limit = 38400000,
id_limit = 37900000
['RFC'] = {
['RFC'] = {
parameters = {'طلب_تعليقات', 'RFC', 'rfc'},
parameters = {'RFC', 'rfc','طلب_تعليقات'},
link = 'طلب_تعليقات',
link = 'طلب_تعليقات',
redirect = 'طلب تعليقات',
redirect = 'طلب تعليقات',
سطر 3٬414: سطر 3٬401:
encode = false,
encode = false,
separator = ':',
separator = ':',
id_limit = 266000000,
id_limit = 262000000,
custom_access = 's2cid-access'
custom_access = 's2cid-access'